Arquipélago Art Center, Azores

Ultrapheripheral is an installation produced for an annual exhibition, entitled Sonic Geometry, curated by Nuno Faria and Nicolau Tudela, and commissioned by the Azorean Regional Government and the Public National Radio and Television Broadcast – RTP.
It consists of a set of two grid structures made out of autochthonous wood, with the standard proportion of standard image framing 4:3, supported by smaller and fragile materials, such as variant types and shapes of wood wastes, paper, and rope. The doubleness of this artefact, plays with perception, in the sense that if observed at a long-range distance, these two frames appear as only one single piece. As one gets closer, the doubled framing becomes more evident, similarly to a diplopia effect, which reveals momentary fragmentations of the image.
Both frames are elevated from the ground by different waste materials, recovered from the Art Centre depositary. However, their suspension is partially simulated - most of the wedges are not influencing the actual force, being part of the illusionary game. The major tension is achieved from the use of ropes, for instance, but it is smoothened by giving them enough flexibility, with the aid of wedges.
Such double framing, which per se, operates as a metric system, leaning on the floor, and elevated by fragile and marginal objects, interplay with the dichotomy between central and peripheric; standard and marginal, as a reference to a movement against systematization.
Its first exhibition took place at the Arquipélago Contemporary Art Centre, in the island of São Miguel, Azores, from July to September 2018 and it was acquired to its collection, in the same year.
It consists of a set of two grid structures made out of autochthonous wood, with the standard proportion of standard image framing 4:3, supported by smaller and fragile materials, such as variant types and shapes of wood wastes, paper, and rope. The doubleness of this artefact, plays with perception, in the sense that if observed at a long-range distance, these two frames appear as only one single piece. As one gets closer, the doubled framing becomes more evident, similarly to a diplopia effect, which reveals momentary fragmentations of the image.
Both frames are elevated from the ground by different waste materials, recovered from the Art Centre depositary. However, their suspension is partially simulated - most of the wedges are not influencing the actual force, being part of the illusionary game. The major tension is achieved from the use of ropes, for instance, but it is smoothened by giving them enough flexibility, with the aid of wedges.
Such double framing, which per se, operates as a metric system, leaning on the floor, and elevated by fragile and marginal objects, interplay with the dichotomy between central and peripheric; standard and marginal, as a reference to a movement against systematization.
Its first exhibition took place at the Arquipélago Contemporary Art Centre, in the island of São Miguel, Azores, from July to September 2018 and it was acquired to its collection, in the same year.